BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 J.60Hz-Eliminationk$l$ A For use in Countries with 60 Hz alternating current. See also 50 Hz-Eliminator Preset. (60 Hz are not so poor than 50 Hz based electrical equipment, but as a precaution recommendable and comments are welcome for further research.) Don't use headphones. Beat frequencies are perceivable by presenting this cluster-chord by listen to only one speaker (mono or turn balance) for one ear - and by presenting existing tones, harmonics, noises, produced by most all pieces of electric equipment in your home, for the other ear. (e.g. electric motors, transformers, TV, video, lamps, fans, refrigerators, except computer, have almost the same specific overtonespectrum, based on 60 Hz.) 60 Hz and its harmonic spectrum (partial tones) are negativ affected for human being, not so much than 50 Hz but in view of health recommendable. One can eliminate this tones by placing only 1 speaker preferably three-dimensional opposite to the 60 Hz sources or even in another room and listen to this Sound by extremely low volume. For best results it is required that the Sound has a subjective lower or the same volume level than e.g. the refrigerators noise. There is no full-range-frequency speaker requested. PC speaker or a satellite speaker promise best results. Just if you are curious, don't hesitate, listen to the Sound once with normal loudness. More multiple affects are: Both soundsources expect binaural frequencies in the Alpha and Theta range. In the audible range (ear) form difference tones and combination tones additional the missing fundamental by fundamental tracking, (residue-effect), here performed by frequencies between 51 and 80 Hz, which have, by the way, positive effects for the potassium-sodium replacement, as beat frequencies have positiv effects for the Seretonin balance and finally to complete the chord naturally. Some of the applied real tones (and in continuation the difference- and binaural beats) are in relationship with some Planet-tones, calculated by time of orbit, rotational motion and Earth Orientation, making them very natural frequencies. (Be sure, they are different as from 50 Hz preset exemple.) Quite a few tester report perception of complet melodies or intervals - feelings like to be a composer. for free private usage, for BrainWave Generator User All Rights reserved by 2002, Wolf Fulte 60Hz-Elimination TM Version 1.060 %d*' ' '' d' ' '' $ d% ' d ' $j  ' %d.  ' d  ' $ d  ' d  ' $ d  '  d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.L  ' $d  ' d  ' %d/' ' '' d' ' '' %d/' ' '' d' ' ''  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .L  '  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .L  ' $ d  ' d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.L  ' 1L  ' $  ' $P N* * *' % N* * *' $ d@ @ @' 'd@ @ @' $ d  ' )d  ' $5  ' +  ' $ d  ' -d  ' $jP@B @B @B' /P@B @B @B' $.L  ' 2  ' 2P N- - -' 3 N- - -' 2 d+  ' 5d  ' 2 d  ' 7d  ' 25  ' 9  ' 2 d  ' ;d  ' 2jP@B @B @B' =P@B @B @B' 2.L  ' @  ' @P NG G G' A NG G G' @ dL L L' CdL L L' @ d  ' Ed  ' @5  ' G  ' @ d  ' Id  ' @jP@B @B @B' KP@B @B @B' @.L  ' N  ' NP N[ [ [' O N[ [ [' N dL ' L' QdL ' L' N d  ' Sd  ' N5  ' U  ' N d  ' Wd  ' NjP@B @B @B' YP@B @B @B' N.L  ' \  ' \P Ny y y' ] Ny y y' \ dL Lp L' _dL Lp L' \ d  ' ad  ' \5  ' c  ' \ d  ' ed  ' \jP@B @B @B' gP@B @B @B' \.L  ' j  ' jP N  ' k N  ' j dL ' L' mdL ' L' j d  ' od  ' j5  ' q  ' j d  ' sd  ' jjP@B @B @B' uP@B @B @B' j.L  ' x  ' xP N: : :' y N: : :' x dp p p' {dp p p' x d  ' }d  ' x5  '   ' x d  ' d  ' xjP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' x.L  '   ' P N  '  N  '  d @@ ' d @@ '  d  ' d  ' 5  '   '  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .L  '   ' P Nf f f'  Nf f f'  d+  ' d  '  d  ' d  ' 5  '   '  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .L  '