BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1  Boner %Abgextra.dll4-7 Hz - Theta Range : recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness; Access to subconscious images, deep meditation, Increases sex drive ,Near Sleep brainwaves, conducive to profound inner peace, "mystical truths", transforming unconsciously held limiting beliefs, physical & emotional healing, purpose of life exploration, inner wisdom, faith, meditation, some psychic abilities, & retrieving unconscious material ; bursts of inspiration, twilight sleep learning, deep relaxation, reverie, high levels of awareness, vivid mental imagery. Hypnopompic & Hypnagogic states At 6.5 Hz this is my first Preset. I am not sure what it does but it did make me feel a little funny.%d*' ' '' d' ' '' $ d% ' d ' $j  ' %d-  ' d  ' $ d  ' d  ' $ d  '  d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.h  ' $dd *'dd *'%d/' ' '' d' ' '' %d/' ' '' d' ' ''  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .h  '  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .h  ' $ d  ' d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.h  ' 1h  ' $d *''' N~4'% N~4'$ d%''d%'$ d  ' )d  ' $5  ' +  ' $ d  ' -d  ' $jP@B @B @B' /P@B @B @B' $.h  '