BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 Down and Back - Modulated$Ap This preset demonstrates how to use modulation for a preset instead of binaural beats. This is usually easier to entrain to. To see what is happening, go to the sound page, click on the Modulation button. This shows the modulation depth and the frequency (period in ms). Play around with the phase settings for some neat circular panning effects.%d*' '' d' '' $ d% ' d ' $j ' %d. ' d ' $ d ' d ' $ d '  d ' $j'@B @B'  '@B @B' $.L ' $d ' d ' %d/' '' d' '' %d/' '' d' ''  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L '  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L ' $ d ' d ' $j'@B @B'  '@B @B' $.L ' 1L ' $ ' $P N: :' % N: :' $ d*' '' 'd' '' $ d ' )d ' $5 ' + ' $ d8 8' -d8 8' $j'E   E' /'E   E' $.L '