BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1   |_|HGH'S_SATSIDE(beta not used yet)R DELTA$Ap6% B This complex preset is intended to help you releasing the HGH(human Growth Hormone), it also has some healing frequencies. the frequencies i used are: 31.32 Pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) (this is a higher octave of the 7.83HZ Schumann Resonance) [HSW] 7.83 - Earth Resonance, grounding [], "Schumann Resonance." [TS, ESR+HSW, MAG]; anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance [SS]; psychic healing experiments [ESR]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) 7.0 - Bone growth [NOR] 3.5 - Wholebeing regeneration, DNA stimulation [EH-d] 2.0 Nerve regeneration [NOR] 1.5 Abrahams Universal Healing Rate [SS] 1.05 Helps hair grow + get its color back [RA]; pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects) [HSW] 1.0 - Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony & balance [MB] %d*' ' '' d' ' '' $ d% ' d ' $j  ' %d.  ' d  ' $ d  ' d  ' $ d  '  d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.h  ' $dXz Xz 5 w X X  S    # p    4! ' dXz Xz 5 w X X  S    # p    4! ' %d/' ' '' d' ' '' %d/' ' '' d' ' ''  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .h  '  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .h  ' $ d  ' d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.h  ' 1h  ' $Xz Xz 5 w X X  S    # p    4! ' $ N0u 0u 0u5 0uw 0u 0u 0uS 0u 0u 0u# 0up 0u 0u 0u 0u4! 0u' % N0u 0u 0u5 0uw 0u 0u 0uS 0u 0u 0u# 0up 0u 0u 0u 0u4! 0u' $ d*' ' '' 'd' ' '' $ d  ' )d  ' $5  ' +  ' $ d  ' -d  ' $jP@B @B @B' /P@B @B @B' $.h  ' 2Xz Xz Xz' 2 N0u 0u 0u' 3 N0u 0u 0u' 2 d  ' 5d  ' 2 d  ' 7d  ' 25  ' 9  ' 2 d  ' ;d  ' 2jP@B @B @B' =P@B @B @B' 2.h  ' @  ' @ N@ @ @' A N@ @ @' @ d@ @ @' Cd@ @ @' @ d  ' Ed  ' @5  ' G  ' @ d  ' Id  ' @jP@B @B @B' KP@B @B @B' @.h  ' N  ' N Na a a' O Na a a' N d*' ' '' Qd' ' '' N d  ' Sd  ' N5  ' U  ' N d  ' Wd  ' NjP@B @B @B' YP@B @B @B' N.h  ' \  ' \p NY Y Y' ] NY Y Y' \ d*' ' '' _d' ' '' \ d  ' ad  ' \5  ' c  ' \ d  ' ed  ' \jP@B @B @B' gP@B @B @B' \.h  '