BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1  @4MAP Week 12: Exit TrainingAstral Projection)33A6 3 B*!%CpG#%Dp}%%Ep'%Fp)%Gp!,%Hpgextra.dllMastering Astral Projection Week 12: Exit Training ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directions: Use this preset in conjunction with Part 2 of the "Mastering Astral Projection" program. Follow the usual post-OBE walk-through routine: relaxation exercise, mind quieting exercise (in addition to energy raising and/or primary center stimulation), trance visualization, and energy body loosening. Practice the exit techniques as described in chapter 12. If you find some are more difficult than others, take them slowly and practice! Overview: This program has two phases. The first phase lasts 10 minutes and features two voices, one very high and one (almost inaudibly) very low. The first voice gradually lowers from a binaural beat frequency of 15 MHz (awake, beta consciousness) to 4 MHz (deeper, delta state ideal for OBE) while the second quieter voice remains at a binaural beat frequency of 4 MHz. The second phase lasts 110 minutes and features nine voices set at different binaural beat frequencies ranging from 2 MHz to 100 MHz, with a single voice moving at frequencies between 60 and 70 MHz. The deep audible tones played seem to have a profound effect on the energy body. Preset Duration: 120 minutes. Reminder: The presets in this program are designed to induce drowsiness. Do not listen to this or any of the presets in this program while driving or using heavy or potentially dangerous equipment. To be used with the book "Mastering Astral Projection", a 90-day guide to learning how to have an out-of-body experience, by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer. "Mastering Astral Projection" is available at www. .com or directly from Llewellyn Worldwide Publishing. For more information, visit %d*' ' '' d' ' '' $ d% ' d ' $j  ' %d.  ' d  ' $ d  ' d  ' $ d  '  d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.L  ' $d: ' ' d: ' ' %d' ' d' ' %d/' ' '' d' ' ''  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .L  '  d  ' d  ' jP@B @B @B' P@B @B @B' .L  ' $ d  ' d  ' $jP@B @B @B'  P@B @B @B' $.L  ' 1L  ' $: ' ' $P N  ' % N  ' $ d*' ' '' 'd' ' '' $ d  ' )d  ' $5  ' +  ' $ d  ' -d  ' $jP@B @B @B' /P@B @B @B' $.L  ' 2: ' 2P N N '(# 0u' 3 N N '(# 0u' 2 d*' ' '' 5d' ' '' 2 d  ' 7d  ' 25  ' 9  ' 2 d  ' ;d  ' 2jP@B @B @B' =P@B @B @B' 2.L  ' %d*' '' d' '' $ X% ' X ' $j ' %d. ' d ' $ d ' d ' $ d '  d ' $j'@B @B'  '@B @B' $.L ' @d ' d ' %d0  ' d  ' %d/' '' d' ''  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L '  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L ' $ d ' d ' $j'@B @B'  '@B @B' $.L ' 1L ' $ ' $P N ' '' % N ' '' $ d*' ' '' 'd' ' '' $ d ' )d ' $5 ' + ' $ d ' -d ' $j'@B @B' /'@B @B' $.L ' 2 ' 2P N0u 0u' 3 N0u 0u' 2 d*' ' '' 5d' ' '' 2 d ' 7d ' 25 ' 9 ' 2 d ' ;d ' 2j'@B @B' ='@B @B' 2.L ' @X X' @P N ' A N ' @ d '[ '' Cd '[ '' @ d ' Ed ' @5 ' G ' @ d ' Id ' @j'@B @B' K'@B @B' @.L ' N' '' NP N N  N' O N  N' N d '[ '' Qd '[ '' N d ' Sd ' N5 ' U ' N d ' Wd ' Nj'@B @B' Y'@B @B' N.L ' \: :' \P Na a' ] N a' \ d '[ '' _d '[ '' \ d ' ad ' \5 ' c ' \ d ' ed ' \j'@B @B' g'@B @B' \.L ' j ' jP N ' k N ' j d '[ '' md '[ '' j d ' od ' j5 ' q ' j d ' sd ' jj'@B @B' u'@B @B' j.L ' xp p' xP N' '' y N '' x d '[ '' {d '[ '' x d ' }d ' x5 '  ' x d ' d ' xj'@B @B' '@B @B' x.L '  ' P N '  N '  d '[ '' d '[ ''  d ' d ' 5 @ @' @ @'  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L ' : ȯMT5 p k |  `S ;p#p| X x @0 ! (#tu$H%,'P N' ''  N ''  d '[ '' d '[ ''  d ' d ' 5 @ @' @ @'  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L '