BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 Minor_Triad_Alpha_Meditation&&A kgnd.dllThree voices forming a minor triad of C, F, and A flat, with binaural beats running from beta waves to low alpha and back to mid-alpha, with a soft, nearly brown background of ocean waves, and lights following the same frequency pattern as the beats, in 30 minutes, including a fadeout. M.C. Shaw, January 12, 2001.%d*' '' d' '' $ X% ' X ' $j ' %d''% 'd''% '$ dX X' dX X' $ d '  d ' $j'@B @B'  '@B @B' $.L ' $d6@@L''d6@@L''5d| |% |' d| |% |' %d/' '' d' ''  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L '  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L ' $ d(# (#' d(# (#' $j'- -'  '- -' $.L ' 1L ' $6@@L''$ N||'% N||'$ d' L ' 'd' L ' $ d ' )d ' $5 ' + ' $ d ' -d ' $j'=P#P#L$, '/'=P#P#L$, '$.L ' 26@@L''2 N00'3 N00'2 d@ @% ' 5d@ @% ' 2 d ' 7d ' 25 ' 9 ' 2 d ' ;d ' 2j'=P#P#L$, '='=P#P#L$, '2.L ' @6@@L''@ NLL'A NLL'@ dp p% ' Cdp p% ' @ d ' Ed ' @5 ' G ' @ d ' Id ' @j'=P#P#L$, 'K'=P#P#L$, '@.L '