BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 New Awakening CD Track 1 / v1.0$$ALamaKarta5.wavaKarta5.wav-This is a variation upon the builtin preset called "The Awakened Mind", quote: "Attempt to induce a state called "the awakened mind" by Anna Wise in her book "The High-Performance Mind", ISBN 0-87477-850-6. This state contains proportions of beta, alpha, theta, and delta brain waves. All of them are present as separate voices in this preset, and their volumes are swept from beta-weighted end to an awakened mind type of pattern." I very much recommend the book by Anna Wise: It has proven invaluable to me. I have made some changes to the binaural frequencies themselves and to the base frequencies used. In my choice of base frequencies I have tried to be able to discern each of the four binaural beats; the base frequencies are lower than in the original builtin version. There is also an ocean wave type background and a Lama Chant taken from the Aum Temple meditation presets which I rather like. I have added twin audiostrobe signals for left and right for those with goggles. Effects I have noticed: Gradual soothing of body and mind. Deep meditation yet rather low tendency to fall asleep. Various pleasant body sensations and altered awareness of self. ---- YMMV! There are three presets that belong to this group, "New Awakening": - New Awakening Computer / v1.0 - New Awakening CD Track 1 / v1.0 (50 minutes) - New Awakening CD Track 2 / v1.0 (22 minutes) The first of these three is for computer use: no fade-in or fade-out. The preset just continues after the 50 minutes. The last two of these include a soft fade-in and fade-out for use when burning on CD. I recommend that you burn two tracks: track one, 50 minutes long, using the second preset above, and track two, 22 minutes long, with the last preset above. Then one can program the CD player to play tracks 1, 2, 2, 2, ... and one will have no hard limit to the meditation time and no unpleasant surprises when the CD suddenly stops! Tracks 1 and 2 are made so that Track 1 gently leads to a deep meditation and Track 2 continues without any changes, just continuing where Track 1 ends. Thus Track 2 can be followed by Track 2 again. --> Please provide any feedback / experience reports concerning this preset! My email: <-- Hope you enjoy! Patrick ------ %d  & ' d  & ' $ X ' X ' $j!' ' '' %dH h& ' dH h& ' $ d" "p "' d" "p "' $ d X'  d X' $j'h h'  'h h' $.L ' @dX 8 p' Nd<   ' %d/' '' d' '' %d/' '' d' ''  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L '  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L ' $ d ' d ' $j'G 8Ei t'  'G 8Ei t' $.L l' 1L ' $hB x7 6' $P N ' % N ' $ d 0 ''d 0 '$ d ' )d ' $5 ' + ' $ d ' -d ' $j'@B @B' /'@B @B' $.L ' 2* '/ '' 2P NT T' 3 NT T' 2 d( _ @ &'5d( _ @ &'2 d ' 7d ' 25 ' 9 ' 2 d ' ;d ' 2j'@B @B' ='@B @B' 2.L ' @X 8 p' @P N^ ^' A N^ ^' @ d LL& 'Cd LL& '@ d ' Ed ' @5 ' G ' @ d ' Id ' @j'@B @B' K'@B @B' @.L ' N<   ' NP N; ;' O N; ;' N d LX& 'Qd LX& 'N d ' Sd ' N5 ' U ' N d ' Wd ' Nj'@B @B' Y'@B @B' N.L '