BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 hRelaxing spreadY$$A 6 %B This preset puts a sine squared wave in one ear and a 50% smoothed rectangular wave in the other to create an entrainment preset which is quite effective. The left ear hears a 50% smoothed rectangular wave at a constantly decreasing frequency, which begins at 120Hz and drops to 60Hz in 30 minutes. The right ear hears a sine squared wave at a frequency which varies to cause the main binaural to fall from 14Hz to 4Hz in 10 mins, then from 4Hz to 0.9Hz (euphoria) in 10mins, which it holds for 5 mins, then it raises to 4Hz in the remaining 5 mins. There is white noise in the background, at only 10% volume. Please remember that this is only an experimental preset, and so it may not work as expected.%d*' '' d' '' $ d% ' d ' $j ' %d ' d ' $ d ' d ' $ d '  d ' $jP@B @B'  P@B @B' $.L ' $d ' d ' %d1 ' d ' %d/' '' d' ''  d ' d ' jP@B @B' P@B @B' .L '  d ' d ' jP@B @B' P@B @B' .L ' $ d ' d ' $jP@B @B'  P@B @B' $.L ' 1L ' $ ' $P N. p' % N. p' $ d' '' 'd ' $ d ' )d ' $5 ' + ' $ d ' -d ' $jP@B @B' /P@B @B' $.L ' 2 ' 2P NX4 (    ' 3 NX4 (    ' 2 d ' 5d' '' 2 d ' 7d ' 25 ' 9 ' 2 d ' ;d ' 2jP@B @B' =P@B @B' 2.L '