BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1  Superlow LSDlowÄ%Ù&Aèÿÿ'This is a new test using the superlow frequencies to create a desired effect. To me, it works way better than binaural beats. Effects can be noticed within a minute. Tried with more then 20 people. All of them had somehow LSD effects (but moreoften marijuahna). Here's what I did: - Create a binaural beat at 6 HZ for 5 minutes. - After those 5 minutes, it goes up to 10 HZ in 1 minute. - After that, 4 minutes of 10 Hz. - Audible pitch is set at 20.215HZ (Yes you read it correct) The trick is using real frequencies combined with binaural beats. This has been tested on speakers that can go as low as 13.46 HZ (never even dared to try it lower). The effect, it works about 10 times better than befor. ONLY USE THIS IF YOU HAVA A TOP HIGH END STEREO!!! TRY IT FIRST IF YOUR SPEAKERS CAN HANDLE 20 HZ!!! AFTER THAT, BE MY GUEST.%…d*' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' $ d% ' èd ' $jüÿÿè ˆ ' %…d-ˆ ˆˆ ˆ' èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $ dˆ ˆˆ ˆ' èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $ d ˆ '  èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B'  èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $èdppˆ¬&p''èdppˆ¬&p''%…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ ''  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' à.˜þÿÿh ˆ '  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $ d(# (#ˆ (#' èd(# (#ˆ (#' $jPÃÀÆ- ÀÆ-ˆ ÀÆ-'  èPÃÀÆ- ÀÆ-ˆ ÀÆ-' $à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' 1è˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $èüÿÿèppˆ¬&p''$Pà Nåå'%è Nåå'$ d*' 'ˆ '' 'èd' 'ˆ '' $ dôô ôôˆ ôô' )èdôô ôôˆ ôô' $5РЈ Ð' +èРЈ Ð' $ d ˆ ' -èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' /èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.˜þÿÿh ˆ '