BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 ”T.R.I.H.P Trance Inducing Hallucination Producing Ver 1.0 Revision 2®# %A”ÿÿPurpose of this preset: To facillitate a hypnagogic state/visualization state... Will help to train your mind to maintain this state... NOTE: ALL THREE REVISIONS ARE PRETTY MUCH THE SAME....I'm just testing to see what method will work the best. They all use the exact same frequencies..timing...etc... theres only slight changes....and they are all on voice 2... Instructions: (These instructions are fairly easy if you ask me) 1. Use this preset while in the typical meditative pose...legs crossed and back straight...Just make sure that you are comfortable... 2. After you get used to using this preset a few times you can go and lower all of the parts of the preset from 7.5hz to a lower first try going in .5 increments... You will eventually figure out how low you can go without falling asleep, but still maintaining that border sleep state... 3. Make any changes nescessary to this preset that you feel fit....feel free to become rich off of my lame as work :) NOTE: If 7.5 hz is to low for you at first, change all of the 7.5hz segments to 8hz...then work your way down after a couple of uses.... NOTE: You could also make it easier to achieve this state by using cooledit or some other quality wave editing program to add an affirmation to this preset.... Essentially you could make it like one of Robert Monroes Hemi-Sync products...though not as good :( an example for an affirmation could be "When ever I count from 10 back to 1 I will be back in this exact mental state"..etc...etc... its up to you to figure out where you'd put the affirmation at...I'm thinking it would probably be good at the where the alpha comes back into play....if ya find a good technique, or have any suggestions hit my email up%…d*' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' $ d% ' èd ' $jüÿÿè ˆ ' %…d-ˆ ˆˆ ˆ' èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $ dˆ ˆˆ ˆ' èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $ d ˆ '  èd ˆ ' $j'@B @Bˆ @B'  è'@B @Bˆ @B' $à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' "$èd˜: )W )ò LÐ LŒ )Ï Lk L' )j L L ) L  L\ )Ÿ L; L÷ ): LÕ L’ )Ô Lp L, )o L  LÇ )  L¥ Lb )¤ L@ Lü )ü )' "èd˜: )W )ò LÐ LŒ )Ï Lk L' )j L L ) L  L\ )Ÿ L; L÷ ): LÕ L’ )Ô Lp L, )o L  LÇ )  L¥ Lb )¤ L@ Lü )ü )' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ ''  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' j'@B @Bˆ @B' è'@B @Bˆ @B' à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ '  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' j'@B @Bˆ @B' è'@B @Bˆ @B' à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' $ d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' $j'@B @Bˆ @B'  è'@B @Bˆ @B' $à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' 1èLÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' "$èüÿÿè˜: )W )ò LÐ LŒ )Ï Lk L' )j L L ) L  L\ )Ÿ L; L÷ ): LÕ L’ )Ô Lp L, )o L  LÇ )  L¥ Lb )¤ L@ Lü )ü )' "$Pà Nø$ ÍW Íò |’Ð |’Œ ÍÏ |’k |’' Íj |’ |’Â Í |’  |’\ ÍŸ |’; |’÷ Í: |’Õ |’’ ÍÔ |’p |’, Ío |’  |’Ç Í  |’¥ |’b ͤ |’@ |’ü Íü Í' "%è Nø$ ÍW Íò |’Ð |’Œ ÍÏ |’k |’' Íj |’ |’Â Í |’  |’\ ÍŸ |’; |’÷ Í: |’Õ |’’ ÍÔ |’p |’, Ío |’  |’Ç Í  |’¥ |’b ͤ |’@ |’ü Íü Í' $ dL L' 'èdL L' $ dôô ôôˆ ôô' )èdôô ôôˆ ôô' $5РЈ Ð' +èРЈ Ð' $ d ˆ ' -èd ˆ ' $j'@B @Bˆ @B' /è'@B @Bˆ @B' $à.Lÿÿÿ´ (# (#ˆ (#' 2èüÿÿè˜: )W )ò LÐ Lü )ü )' 2Pà Nø$ ÍW Íò |’Ð |’ü Íü Í' 3è Nø$ ÍW Íò |’Ð |’ü Íü Í' 2 d*' 'ˆ '' 5èd' 'ˆ '' 2 dôô ôôˆ ôô' 7èdôô ôôˆ ôô' 25РЈ Ð' 9èРЈ Ð' 2 d ˆ ' ;èd ˆ ' 2j'@B @Bˆ @B' =è'@B @Bˆ @B' 2à.Lÿÿÿ´ØÜÿÿ ØÜÿÿˆ ØÜÿÿ'