BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 2Ultimate Mind Power- CT - IAP - IQ - Meditation - Cosmic UnityB$A The Ultimate Mind Power Preset - A Balance of all 4 Brainwave Types Designed For Manifesting, Superior Intelligence, Insight & Intuition, Vivid Imagery, Relaxation & Healing Purposes. Special Frequencies: 40 Hz - "Holographic Temporal Binding of all Sensory Data processed in the brain" Don't know what that means but it is believed to be an integrative, cohesive and frontal cortex stimulating frequency that is predominant in brief psychic activity, people with photographic memory and encounters of problem solving involving higher order intelligence processing. Also possibly linked to the Inner Anchor Point state mentioned in the Cybernetic Transposition goal manifesting process as described in Stuart Lichtman's ebook here: 4.5 Hz - Shamanic Meditative State of Consciousness, and also good for stimulating vivid imagery. 10 & 6 Hz playing simultaneously in separate voices - Good for Creative Visualization. The Low-End (Theta-Delta) frequencies play simultaneously with the High-End (Beta-Gamma) ones to simulate a "balanced, awakened mind" effect. Also, while in the frequency that is conducive for vivid imagery and dreaming, the simultaneous playing of higher frequencies help to keep the mind awake somewhat. This could simulate a lucid dreaming-like or image streaming (not unlike lucid dreaming, but a more conscious process) state.%d*' '' d' '' $ d% ' d ' $j ' %d. ' d ' $ d ' d ' $ d '  d ' $j'@B @B'  '@B @B' $.L ' $d7 6 ) ) 'S ' 6' d7 6 ) ) 'S ' 6' %d/' '' d' '' %d/' '' d' ''  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L '  d ' d ' j'@B @B' '@B @B' .L ' $ d ' d ' $j'@B @B'  '@B @B' $.L ' 1L ' @7 6 ) ) 'S ' 6' @P NP P' A N@ @'@ d ' Cd'@ d ' Ed ' @5 ' G ' @ d ' Id ' @j'@B @B' K'@B @B' @.L ' @U@ @ 6'@P N` `'A N@ @'@ d 'Cd'@ d ' Ed ' @5 ' G ' @ d ' Id ' @j'@B @B' K'@B @B' @.L '  @ L Lk p p; |  X  (#  u$  ' @P N@ @'A N@ @'@ d'Cd'@ d ' Ed ' @5 ' G ' @ d ' Id ' @j'@B @B' K'@B @B' @.L ' N ' NP N0u 0u'O N0u 0u'N d  'Qd  'N d ' Sd ' N5 ' U ' N d ' Wd ' Nj'@B @B' Y'@B @B' N.L '