BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 /W-Telekinesisery·%L&AèÿÿTelekinesis by Weng Fung (a.k.a. Lightarian) This should make telekinesis easier. It doesn't mean you can just get it by hearing it; you'll have to train by using your mind power, concentration, and pure belief to move some thing very little(like a little piece of paper) first and then move up to higher stuff while listening to this. Don't get mad if it doesn't come so soon... it might come to some of us way quicker, and some might take a long time to actually get it. If you never get it, then it is meant to be... or, my preset doesn't work. :( NOTE: I am not reliable to any harm you do by telekinesis. Don't yell at me if you can't do it!%…d*' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' $ d% ' èd ' $jüÿÿè ˆ ' %…d. ˆ ' èd ˆ ' $ dˆ ˆˆ ˆ' èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $ d ˆ '  èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B'  èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $èdX X' èdX X' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ ''  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' à.˜þÿÿh ˆ '  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $ d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B'  èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' 1è˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $èüÿÿèX X' $Pà N¸ˆ ¸ˆ' %è N¸ˆ ¸ˆ' $ d*' 'ˆ '' 'èd' 'ˆ '' $ dôô ôôˆ ôô' )èdôô ôôˆ ôô' $5РЈ Ð' +èРЈ Ð' $ d ˆ ' -èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' /èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.˜þÿÿh ˆ '