BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1 (Weird effectsþ$A'AÐÿÿI heard somewhee that you can get some weird effects out of these three frequencies, if you experience anything "weird", e-mail me at I haven't noticed anything with this preset, but you might. Try to limit your listening time to less than 20 minutes, as there are three gamma frequencies, and I do not know the long term effects of high exposure to gamma waves.%…d*' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' $ d% ' èd ' $jüÿÿè ˆ ' %…d. ˆ ' èd ˆ ' $ dˆ ˆˆ ˆ' èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $ d ˆ '  èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B'  èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' $èd„· „·' èd„· „·' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ ''  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ '  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' $ d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B'  èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' 1èLÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' $èüÿÿè„· „·' $Pà N¿r ¿r' %è N¿r ¿r' $ d*' 'ˆ '' 'èd' 'ˆ '' $ dôô ôôˆ ôô' )èdôô ôôˆ ôô' $5РЈ Ð' +èРЈ Ð' $ d ˆ ' -èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' /èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' 2èüÿÿè°ô °ô' 2Pà NÏ™ Ï™' 3è NÏ™ Ï™' 2 d*' 'ˆ '' 5èd' 'ˆ '' 2 dôô ôôˆ ôô' 7èdôô ôôˆ ôô' 25РЈ Ð' 9èРЈ Ð' 2 d ˆ ' ;èd ˆ ' 2jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' =èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' 2à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ ' @èüÿÿèF F' @Pà Næª æª' Aè Næª æª' @ d*' 'ˆ '' Cèd' 'ˆ '' @ dôô ôôˆ ôô' Eèdôô ôôˆ ôô' @5РЈ Ð' GèРЈ Ð' @ d ˆ ' Ièd ˆ ' @jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' KèPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' @à.Lÿÿÿ´ ˆ '