BrainWave Generator File, created with version 3.1  Ô[SNW] Astral Projectioné%ê%A¸ m%C2m%C2ÿÿ Students of the Natural Way - Astral Projection This preset uses a Harmonic Box X which should be a more potent method for entrainment. It is also important to try to relax as much as possible while listening in order to allow your brain to sync with the frequency. Frequencies used: 15Hz - (6 min sweep) This is a beta frequency and is close to where your brain normally operates during the day. 7Hz - (24 min) Astral projection, increased reaction time, treatment of sleep disturbances and bone growth. I'm not an expert at making presets. If you find anything wrong with these please e-mail me corrections:…d*' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' $ d% ' èd ' $jüÿÿè ˆ ' %…dp pˆ p' èdp pˆ p' $ dˆ ˆˆ ˆ' èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $ d ˆ '  èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B'  èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $èd˜: XÐ X' èd˜: XÐ X' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ '' %…d/' 'ˆ '' èd' 'ˆ ''  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' à.˜þÿÿh ˆ '  d ˆ ' èd ˆ ' jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $ dˆ ˆˆ ˆ' èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $jPÃ@KL @KL'  èPÃ@KL @KL' $à.˜þÿÿhPF PFˆ PF' 1è˜þÿÿh ˆ ' $èüÿÿè˜: XÐ X' $Pà N¨a ¨a' %è N¨a ¨a' $ d+ˆ ˆˆ ˆ' 'èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' $ dôô ôôˆ ôô' )èdôô ôôˆ ôô' $5РЈ Ð' +èРЈ Ð' $ d ˆ ' -èd ˆ ' $jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' /èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' $à.˜þÿÿh ˆ ' 2èüÿÿèhÅÿÿ ¨äÿÿÐ ¨äÿÿ' 2Pà NðU 0\Ð 0\' 3è NðU 0\Ð 0\' 2 d+ˆ ˆˆ ˆ' 5èdˆ ˆˆ ˆ' 2 dôô ôôˆ ôô' 7èdôô ôôˆ ôô' 25РЈ Ð' 9èРЈ Ð' 2 d ˆ ' ;èd ˆ ' 2jPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' =èPÃ@B @Bˆ @B' 2à.˜þÿÿh ˆ '