SBER : The Cell

Err..! What can I say about this preset! I think the words would be helpless in front of such a beauty ;-)

You will need to teak your settings to a short buffer size ( <100 ms) to make it work.

Tell me What you think ! [email protected]

Submitted: 26-Jun-2001 by
Download preset: The_Cell.bwg


4.5 stars with 5 votes.
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User comments

This preset is truly a masterpiece. One of the most pleasant to listen to, and it always does something different. It seems as if it takes whatever mood I am in or whatever is on my mind, magnifies it, and uses it for the setting of a "zone" or "experience" that is quite pleasant that it sends me to/into.
Truly beautiful!
07-Mar-2003, rhino
... didn't hear anything(light flashes though)
Very very interesting! Put my mind into a very deep thinking mode that was devoid of cluster thoughts. Very neat! Very relaxing! Almost ethereal!
Wow. Who knew such beauty could be made from such a program?
16-Nov-2003, Eghie
Very nice preset. It's just like a song.
04-Dec-2003, Jeff
Interesting preset. I have only listen to about 2 mins of it but I like it alot!!! Good job [email protected]
03-Jan-2004, infection0
exactly what does it do...?
Beautiful job! I love what I've heard so far. How do you tweak the program to your setting?
14-Jun-2004, scottlaen
This preset is incredible! I don't know what affect it has on me other than that I just enjoy listening to it. To say it's like a song is an understatement. It's a song, it's music. We need more presets like this!
dam, soon as that went on i felt sever pain, after a while it tuned out though.
04-Jun-2005, Lefty
how do u tweak buffer size? Into 2:00 this reminded me of the very begining of a song called sheep by Pink Floyd on there animals cd #3. lol
23-Nov-2005, Knifa
As soon as I started listening, it couldn't breathe properly D:
09-Jul-2006, Max
Tweak? How????
04-Oct-2006, ryan
ya, I can't seem to get anything to happen... oh wait, there it goes. About 40 seconds in, there was a quiet sound with a pulse, which died. Is this supposed to be so quiet?
06-Nov-2010, edomdevore
very relaxing would do nice meditation the linger you run it the sounds build itself
15-Apr-2011, Suspiria
I get an error :(
Bkgnd.dll#3 has not been loaded yet

Other presets work fine
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