
Listen to this for an hour every day. You feel like you are more spirit afterwards. Sound perception focusing will arise. (things will sound different and you will hear things sounds from further before.)

Afterwards, Take of your headphones, and check out the new world?

- b.f.

configuration info:

samples per second: 100000

bits per sample: 16

number of memory blocks: 100 ms

length of memory blocks: 10 ms

Submitted: 26-Nov-2001 by
Download preset: nw.bwg


3 stars with 1 votes.
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User comments

08-Dec-2001, Tyrus
I listened to this for only about 15 minutes and I started to feel weird sensations around my legs.. Weird. The beat started slurring together and then I got the surge of energy
This is the first preset that has made me go helll funnyy all over especially my head!
I just staretd for 5 minutes and it feels like my body is on jelly =S I feel really awake. I cant wait till an hours up and im gonna check the 'new world'

(please note i did the serotonin preset for 40 minutes before this one)
Wow, this is one crazy preset, made my head feel really funny, im very awake....
I get a watery effect.
05-Sep-2003, (unknown)
should you hear a bubly sound after 1 hour ?
i listened to it twice for an hour and both times started hearing souds
like something between boiling water and soda
25-Sep-2003, mrc0de
with the sleep enchancement presets i noticed bubbly water sounds (like a bathtub being drained perpetually) so i think that may be normal. It was not in the .wav and the beats seemed to be doing it. It was a clear aural hallucination coming from inside my mind. Very Cool.

I dunno bout this preset yet. most ppl seem to like it. Im about to try it out.
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