Psycho Test 1

This preset is designed to induce hallucinations. I have no idea whether or not it will work, but let me know if it does. ITis done very simply. The first voice starts at your standard mind state of 15 hz and moves to 20.215 hz (which is supposed to simulate the effects of LSD). There are also three other voices, which when used together are said to produce 'wierd effects'. Please let meknow if you expereince anything wierd at all from this preset. It should take at least 12 minutes to start working.

Submitted: 29-Aug-2002 by
Download preset: Psycho_Test.bwg


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User comments

My heart beat went crazy as soon as I started listening to it.
Why does your preset have such and weird name. It make me think and it can have some effect that can make me go insane if i listen to it to long.
I guess you don't know you just tweak some preset and called it your own i guess.
Yes, Teraillion, that's exactally what I did. I did a small amount of research on the two diffrent tones and decided to see if combining them would work. I figured the best way to find out would be to test them here and get p[eople to respond telling me if it worked or not. I see nothing wrong with this, as I didn't get either of those presets off of this website, so I'm not stealing anything from anyone. It's just a test to see if it works at all. More or less this is my best way of doing research is testing these on people.
14-Oct-2002, Nick Perez
HOLY SH**!! I listened to it for 25 minutes and after it was done, for about 1 minute everything sounded like it was being said underwater!! awesome..
I've listened to this preset and afterwards all i got was a weird sound, lasting for about a minute....So... I've haven't had any extraordinary results with this preset yet :) .....

It did help me get rid of my headache though...
Not all frequencies are suitable for any kind of stimulation.
20.215 works pretty visual when using it with electrical stimulation, but if you are only using glasses the effect is minimal. read more at
15-Mar-2003, IKY
Whe I listened to it, my motor skills were severly handicapped (eg. stumbling, falling, ect.) and everything sounded like it was under water....

great preset.....
I also definitely heard a strange bubbly water noise, almost like water flowing over rocks, only more digital for a minute or two after listening to this preset. Definitely the most dramatic sensory effect I've gotten from a preset. very interesting.
WHOLY MOLY!!! i'm new to this.. is it just me needing medication, or did anyone else sound like they were talking thru a fan blade after they were done listening? WOW!
20-Feb-2004, Pyr0
yes it did seem that briefly, a few times it did sound like people were talking thru fan blades. and i heard a strange bubbly noise too, not like water flowing over rocks, but still bubbly. quite fun! and the room took on a very light underwater effect. slight wavering and stuff... the name says psycho test 1... gonna make a second? ^_^ (this preset has given me the most pronounced effect of all and ive listened to very many in this section)
20-Feb-2004, Pyr0
i just realized something... that underwater bubbling soun seemed familiar to me... it turns out its the same sound as that at the end of a song done by muse... cant remember which one tho...
26-Feb-2004, (unknown)
after about half an hour a definitely started to feel something.... as if things are slowed down somewhat.... also i think the tension in my neck is gone.... perhaps its just a coincidence.

my head feels very heavy....
20-Apr-2004, Pingu
OMG i kinda saw the words on the computer screen sorta the left half would go down and the right half would go up

but the coolest part, i thought, was that bubbling sound. It sounded like a river kind of. it didn't last too long, because i ddin't listen to the preset that long, it was annoying
HOLY HECK! I listened to this preset for 5 SECONDS, and already started feeling weird. It scared me so much I had to stop playing it.

I'll definetely try this! Great preset.

When I first saw this, I admit I was skeptical. I thought it'd be a load of random paturns sewn together badly-- alot of these are... but then i listened- for exactly 15 minutes to the second.

I told myself that if I could hear anything after I removed the headphones, i'd believe at least something...

And there was definately a watery sound, like bubbles underwater, and when I spoke my voice seemed to make a weird sound as if it were cut up in a fan. My head felt light, but I experienced no strange sighs...

Truely a work of genius- I recommend to anyone who really wants to feel something interesting.
After a brief five minute trial i could no longer bear the sound of annoyance. If i were in Hell i could imagine this playing all day.
29-Mar-2006, ae
26-Apr-2006, natalie
omg that was weird every1 listen !!!!
its the scrariest thing ive ever heard if u close your eyes you see flying cows!! lol
08-Aug-2006, Ramirez
17 minutes...

I exprienced my heart beating quite fast in the beginning of the preset but that vanished after 10 minutes, then it was like all my concentration was focused on my visual field and had sort of rapid eye movements -uncontrolled...
Afterwards i didn't hear any odd underwater sounds like you guys, just felt very dizzy

it works, but it's overall a bad trip...
27-Aug-2006, Cooker
Jesus! Be careful with this one! Do it on your own risk. I did and I'll never repeat this. After phi, I dont know after half of second i felt terrible pain in all my body, I thrown out the phones and felt down on the carpet. It's hard to describe What I felt but I'm 21 and I wasn't so scared till now even once in my life.......

I prefer to be killed then listen it again....
27-Sep-2006, cheese
28-Oct-2006, feeling?
what am i suppose to feel when listing to this? i just didn't understand, what is it about?
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Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
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