
A daydreaming trip, with an ending that leaves you feeling relaxed. It's designed not to make you fall asleep. Instead, it causes your mind to wander, which helps to clear the clutter from your head. It's great for a mid-day refresher.

You can make the trip longer or shorted by changing the number of times that segment "B" repeats. The preset is also set up to use with light goggles, if you have them.

Submitted: 19-Nov-2002 by
Download preset: Daydreamer.bwg


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User comments

nice one
yeah, good job!
18-Jun-2004, DarkSyd
No biggy for me, however, cuz I have 80D so my mind is always wadering. It makes great for long road trips where I am sitting in a boring passenger seat the entire way. Nonetheless I congratulate you! :oD
14-Jan-2005, Astartae
About ten mintues into listening to this preset I felt pretty relaxed and yes, dreammy. Also, DarkSyd, I think that is called ADD as in Attention Deficit Disorder. Never heard it called 80D, took me a minute to figure out what you meant.
For some reason I started crying, well not crying but like tears came from my tear ducts without emotions
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
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