awakened mind by madia

my personal attempt to induce a state called "the awakened mind" by Anna Wise in her book "The High-Performance Mind", ISBN 0-87477-850-6.

total of 8 voices, 2 per state.

one voice is a static frequency ( 20, 10.5, 6, and 2).

the other oscillates between the lower and upper ranges of each state ( 14 - 30, 8 - 14, 4 - 8, and 0.5 - 4 )

the preset begins with a static beta. oscillating beta and static alpha are then introduced along with a volume reduction in beta. this pattern of introduction and volume reduction of previous voices continues until all voices are present. at which point, the preset loops almost indefinitely.

Submitted: 24-Jul-2003 by madia
Download preset: madia_awakened_mind.bwg


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User comments

24-Jul-2003, madia
the idea i'm going with the two voices per state ( beta, alpha, theta, delta ) is to give the brain something to anchor on while being able to roam around at the same time. comments/suggestions/advice appreciated
05-Aug-2003, ~~~~~~
Try bringin in the sound a little starts out too slow but then is very "good" in the speed. Try a third voice that is steady in each one to help the concintration.
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