Electronic Ear A

This preset rapidly alternates between ultra high and ultra low frequencies to exercise the muscles of the inner ear, imitating the original "Electronic Ear" process of Dr. Alfred Tomatis.

The purpose of exercising the muscles of the ear like this is to open up the ears to a wider spectrum of sound.

Tomatis found a huge variety of unexpected benefits can occur when the ear is "opened" like this, including healing of disorders, enrichment of the voice, and a profound sense of energy. This process is today used in many comercial products.

As with the built-in session "High frequencies", in the "Advanced Options" menu set the buffer length as low as possible (eg. 10) and the number of buffers as high as possible (eg 100). This ensures the output will be at the highest quality.

Submitted: 23-Nov-2003 by Joseph Kao
Download preset: Electronic_Ear_A.bwg


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User comments

30-Dec-2003, Someguy
What's the diffrence between this and Electronic ear B?
08-Jan-2004, dan
try reading the description for electronic ear b

"Electronic Ear B adds tones in the 8000hz range."
i like this electronic ear better
What's the difference between this and the Tomatis Effect preset?
15-Apr-2004, Felipe
How do i listen to this sound? At low or high volume?
How often and for how long should i listen to this?
18-Jun-2006, Joseph Kao
Hi there, I made this about two and a half years ago as an experiment, according to the principles that sound therapy tapes seem to be based. However, I'm not a sound therapist, and I can't recommend a specific treatment program.

I based the session on the Joudry tapes written about in the book Cosmic Memory and also Megabrain Power. Apparently, traditional sound therapy typically takes 3hrs of listening a day. But remember, this file is just an experiment. Try it: see what happens! Play it at low to low-mid volume for a couple of hours whilst you're working. Repeat for a few days, maybe even a couple of weeks. Then see how your energy levels are, and take it from there.

By the way, I haven't been around here for ages, but the file I was most proud of making when I was spending more time on this stuff is "Steps in Time (Revised)", found in the relaxation section on this site. That used to do a grand job of sending me into theta. I highly recommend it, even if I do say so myself! :-)


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