
listen to it 15+ min. because the preset have special and very strong effect from that time - Voice 1 is 4 Hz BB and Voice 2 have volume modulation in periods 250 ms which is 4Hz normal beat - like a drum.

Voice 1 goes 15 to 4 Hz BB in 10 min.

Voice 2 is 3 Hz BB with Sound Volume Modulation - something like song of whales

My purpose is to relax.

I want relax now.

Or something like this - set the intenton - recomended.

5 - 10 deep breaths before listening is very recomended.

3-4 deep breaths from time to time while listening is very useful too.

Just listen to the sound and relax.

Submitted: 30-Dec-2003 by
Download preset: RELAX_from_the_Deep.bwg


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User comments

05-Feb-2004, okean
This preset works.
Deep and stable rest.
Thanks to autor!!!
I'm happy that it works for you too.
Thanks for response.
WOW... This was the first time I have meditated properly, and I used this BWG. Unfortunately, the first time, just as I was getting into it... my MP3 player stopped, and I realized I had only sent 15 minutes to the file. I redid it for 30 minutes. About 16 minutes in, I started getting deeper than I have been, until I was one with the sounds... my eyes started twitching... then outright going crazy, I was seeing bluish white streaks of lightning across my vision. My hands shook a little too, then my feet. Finally it quelled, and I felt amazing. I thought I'd try for it again, and managed it, thought the second time was even more intense. I am still shivering now out of excitement. Thanks!!!

I have not used this preset yet but I would like to add that I had an experience similar to FMZ's while listening to Holosync where my eyes twitched like crazy until I saw 'bluish streaks' of electricity (they looked like little blue angels!) and awoke shivering with tears flowing from my eyes. It was freaky yet exhilirating at the same time.
Thanks Omega Rage :)

When that has happened?

And have you noticed any changes in perception of reality, in your life after that experience (in long term)? I want to know because If it was breaking such barier then changes should follow and my theory about opening to higher spiritual energies can be checked.
05-Mar-2004, Juha
Very nice...
Beautiful and calming "visions" with this. I didn't even think that I was capable imaging that kind of sights and places.

Usually I would not give gredits, but for this I will indeed.. Amazing.
15-Mar-2004, Ronny
Besides working great for meditation I tried this before sleep. It gave me a full night of sleep, waking rested and refreshed!
About delta reducin' sleep time: I dunno when to use it. When I use it before going to sleep, I can't sleep no more. Should I wake up like at 3 o'clock and listen to it?

Is it ok to hear a delta stuff when you suffer from ADD? Tnx
It depends on when you have time to alter your brainwaves to theta/delta. I think that wake up at 3 is useless. Natural sleep is better than this. Up to 1.5 h during day should help - think about this as slumber and relax - times of refresh. Listen to your own body.
ADD people tends to turn to theta when try to concentrate. They should turn beta then. It is ok to listen to delta stuff but that person should listen to more "accelerated" presets. Try ADHD preset from Treatment/Healing section. Or mail me and I will send you preset Breath of Life - good for ADD.

10-Jun-2004, Ben
Actually, those bluish streaks are a sign of something other than relaxation, most likely. When I was younger, I did that trick where you could quickly succumb your face to oxygen deprivation, making it purple really quickly. Every time I did that, the same thing happened: my eyes twitched, and I saw blue streaks. Make sure you're breathing, this might not be a good thing IMHO.
"3-4 deep breaths from time to time while listening is very useful too."

"Make sure you're breathing, this might not be a good thing IMHO."

i dont know if im in the right room for this but i just got into all this crazy shit(and i love it)im working on takeing energy from diffrent things and exspanding my mind (i think its working) when i practise this i feel a hot sinsation followed by a tingle is this what is supposed to happen?? i need answrs plz help me
i used this preset a while ago and it made me REALY relaxed. i didn't feel my body. i felt i was flying and felt so light. i realy like this preset.
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
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