
Awakening Meditation 6.1: To become the advanced meditator


* Use once a day, twice at most (seperated sessions);

* Six and final of a series, where the carrier frequency is gradually lowered, to be used one after the other for a suitable time period;

* Base carrier in V1 (all segments) is 25hz, 41.5 minutes total running time

* Box X style progression from 12hz to .1hz, focusing on my favourite frequences for 1 minute or up to 3 minutes depending (most length is in the delta frequence);

* Possibly add another segment as a variation on segment B for a longer meditation

* Box X Method info found at:

* This is my first preset series, so if you come up with a revision, or spot any aspect that's a problem, or know a way to improve it, please, email me: [email protected]


Chris Stewart 13.2.04

Submitted: 15-Feb-2004 by
Download preset: AwakeningMeditation6.1.bwg
Download background: Tamboura.wav


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User comments

I'm very glad more and more people are using box x style progressions, they do work.

Good work

Rafael Trabolsi
22-Feb-2004, Joe
I like the organisation, but almost all commercially available headphones don't respond below a pitch of 40hz. Which means most people won't hear the tones on your deeper presets.

Nevertheless, they do sound good, and the holosync style progression is a good idea to develop.
15-Mar-2004, Chris
Thanks for the comments guys - and thank you to all the people who have pooled the research to make this possible for a newbie to put together. There are commercially avaliable head phones that handle most of the frequences (although you won't always find them at your local store;) except perhaps for 6.1. Check the specifications carefully, and understand that the investment is well and truely worth it!
20-Mar-2004, Joe
The 40hz limit is a figure I've had in my mind for some time. I think I got it stuck in my head from reading some of Michael Hutchison's work on binaural beats in the mid 90s, and checking the specs on some headphones I had then.

Well, my apologies Chris. I just looked at the specs for the Sony in-ear mega-bass headphones I recently got for my walkman (�17 in the UK) and they claim a response as low as 8hz! Which means you can easily expect a reasonably pure 25-30hz tone. Equivalent - as you know - to some of the deepest holosync levels. I have some experimenting to do...
07-Apr-2004, Chris
Great to hear Joe! Do let us know how your 'experiements' go!
This preset is greate!! I feal realy relaxed. When I lisening it i feel cool :) Naw, past lisening i feel like new men :)

I'll use this preset in future ofen :)

P.s. sory for my english...
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Fantastic preset....I can fell some kind of vibration inside my body and get relaxed...
Great job, Chris
Touchdown! That's a raelly cool way of putting it!
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