Knock Out

As the name implies, this preset knocks you out. I have had great success using it to fall asleep fast. I will post more information below.

Submitted: 13-May-2004 by
Download preset: KnockOut2.bwg


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User comments

It didn't knock me out but it did sort of make me sleepy O_O
Ahh thats creepy, i sudenly felt the urge to curl up and sleep wile lissing to this pre-set.
When I turned this preset on, I wnted to close my eyes and just collapse. It made me sleepy, but it did not knock e out. :)
didn't make me want to go to sleep, but it did make my head want to tilt to the right...
11-Apr-2006, Randy
You all are stupid it doesnt really literally mean its going to knock out instantly but that would be cool it just makes you sleepy and sleeper
relax Randy... relax.... ZZZZzzzz.....
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
18-Jun-2007, fabio
I'm a big fan of you, Valintino. There should more people like you. The world is truly going towards Hell...

Regards, Fabio "Mussolini" Monterouge
18-Sep-2007, Bob
i love binary beats but does it really kill u when u use it too much
12-Aug-2008, Great Master
How long does this take to send you to sleep?
02-Sep-2008, Great Master
can someone email me the .mp3 of this? I want to try it, but i've got a mac. email to barnaby(at) (replace the (at) with an @, it's an anti-spam measure
Shoot, who would have tuohhgt that it was that easy?
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