WhiteSilk Blur

An experimentation piece of work. Advanced "sound tricks" skipped.

Just known OOBE stimulating freqs and accent on soft sound.

69-min length makes it also convenient for sleep induce.

Check it out!

Submitted: 20-Nov-2004 by Samson Flava
Download preset: WSB.bwg


1 stars with 36 votes.
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User comments

Wow ! this is the first Preset on this site who worked for me. After 30 minutes of listen this im fall asleep . Im woke up after 10 minutes , but that 10 minutes i feel like 10 or 20 hours of sleep , its cool . I have a very very real dream , i never have been before this kind of real dream . But i dont have an OObe :( . Maybe today i will. Sounds of this preset are prettyand good to listen . Thanks fo the first preset tahat workde on me :) See ya next time
This is the best preset I have tried yet.
No OBE but I am fairly new...Will be using this preset again tonight.

AWSOME WORK!! Keep them coming!
11-Dec-2004, Luthifer
Rave reviews! Totally trying this out out.

CosmoBalls... I'm not a doctor, but try 7.0 for bone growth, with 2.5 to associate that boner growth with your genitals, and finally, to get that grown boner to levitate back to your body, you need some levitation device. good luck.
I used this last night and it put me to sleep almost instantly. The sounds were that calming.

However, once I fell asleep, I started having very intense nightmares about everything I fear in life (death of family members, maggots...yes, maggots).
It was so horrible for me that I actually woke up just to stop this preset.
After that, I went back to sleep and didn't have any dreams.

Is there a reason why this could or would happen?
Has anyone experienced similar?
I'm nervous to try this prest again because of this.
Neserit, sounds like the present is prompting your subconscious to open and you are a person who has alot of fear. If you are going to play around with OOBE and such, it is important to be in a place where you have some meditative experience and can control your fear. Otherwise you will just trip out and have negative experiences.
27-Oct-2006, steve
neserit, having very vivid dream like that is the path to an oobe, the problem is that before you can obe you cannot have any fears, so by dreamin about them it tries to help you calm down about those fears and to show you "the light" (basicly make you unafraid, and once you get there, you'll obe like crazy) .....

i have no obed but ive never had my "fear" dreams, it seems you are able to get to that point in the processes so i urge u to try to use this preset again and lessen the affect of those fears, you just might obe over time..

good luck
Very very very very nice! I love how smooth and soft the effect is. It's calming and relaxing and invites the soft prickling sensation all over your body, including the chest area which I don't often feel with other presets. I would almost say it was a butterfly effect, softly flittering it's wings against me creating the tingling sensations.
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Son of a gun, this is so hlepufl!
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