
The idea of this preset is to switch the brain rapidly between two states. I was thinking it may be like freeing a rusty switch by working it back and forth. The effect I notice during use is intensely pleasurable and focused in the frontal lobes. The preset alternates between 13hz and 4hz every minute. The visual is exactly out of synch with the sound and switches every minute as well. To keep things a bit dynamic, the pitch keeps cycling. This works best when used with a light/sound machine. I would love to hear what other people think.

Submitted: 23-Jan-2005 by
Download preset: switch.bwg


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User comments

26-May-2005, Oscar
wow.. this was fun, i felt like the beat went trough my head.. stayd a while.., then went out again.. weird.
Excellent preset. Rapid switching between totally different frequency ranges in order to blow some dust from our unchallenged brain cells is an idea that came to mind several times in the past but for some reason I never really thoroughly gave it a try (maybe your preset would have been helpful in this regard ;-). Glad you used this concept for a BWGen preset. It's very pleasant to listen to and a I never felt so refreshed and "alive again" after listening to binaurals before. Well done!
this put me in a dream state, but i felt alert, im still a bit in a dream state now
02-Feb-2006, ate
immediately felt drowsy
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
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