Improve Mind Gushing River - No HeadAcks!

Improves Intelligents and Memory with Gushing River which helps relaxing with 2 preventive head ack treatment.

Submitted: 17-Mar-2005 by
Download preset: Improve_Mind_Gushing_River_-_No_HeadAcks!.bwg


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User comments

04-Apr-2005, Glen
Can you give a little more information, please. How is it meant to improve intelligence and memory, and how is it meant to cure headaches?

Also, is english your first language? I only ask because of the spelling errors in the name and description (HeadAcks and Intelligents), errors which some may regard as proof that your preset doesn't work (I, of course, do not see it that way - intelligence has nothing to do with spelling).
Yeah I am french, MALE! lol And these presets should work since it comes from a list of frequencies. I will be putting some more though. The next ones will be a sex stimulent and the other will be a heart stimulent. So it will boost your emotion part of the brain and your heart to help you see more clearly when you are a psychic or such.
Very nice, not sure of exact effect
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
Hello, Your site is great. Regards, Valintino Guxxi
I like this one. Is there a background track available for this file?
I saw a popup telling me I did not download a background file.
Either way, it is nice. Good work and thank you.
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